Teknoice > Wrapping

Teknowrap, Teknoice’s wrapping machines

Every Teknoline ends with an automatic wrapping machine for industrial ice cream. Teknoice offers a complete range of flowpack, standard or reversed, mono or multilane wrapping machines.

All Teknoice wrapping machines are built with quality materials, parts and high precision. This is essential for minimizing waste and maintaining our quality protocols. Many years of experience goes into the production of every machine, incorporating technology that focuses on optimizing production and checking quality at every step.

Teknowrap Flowpack

Teknoice has a large range of wrapping machines, designed specifically for industrial ice cream production, that can be found at the end of extrusion lines or machines for sticked products.


Teknowrap Flowpack
Teknowrap Multifile

Teknowrap Multifile

Available in many sizes, ranging between 4 and 2 lanes, Multilane wrapping machines can be suite to any productivity need.